Beatrix reading by candle light.
Beware the Monsters: Octo!
Beware the Monsters: Hog!
Little trolls playing around
Beatrix reading her book
A saw whet owl rendered in coloured pencil
A strawberry study in goauche
A fisherman's glass ball rendered in colour pencil
A sweet flower
A tiny bug appears!
Little Bat loves pumpkins!
Little Bat loves looking at lightning bugs!
Troll's playing fetch with his favourite lamb!
Dragon dip with little bug friends!
Scary story time!
Little Bat story time!
A star gatherer
Blood boxes for thirsty Little Bat!
A sleepy magic bun
Grrr a scary monster Little Bat appears!
Little Bat art time!
Little Bat snail costume time!
Time to harvest the apples!
More Little Bat craft time!
A piece for a Victorian news letter.
Fun in the leaves with Little Bat!
Hocus Pocus candy time!
Looks like a little mouse is solving a big problem!
Little Bat has a spider friend to greet!
Looks like its chilly for Little Bat!
A mole and a troll making friends!
Art supply time!
Just hanging around
Splish splash for Little Bat!
Candy apples sure are a delicious treat!
Pumpkin carving time!
Drum solo for Mr. Caterpillar!
Mysteries afoot!
Trinket collector
Granny-bat knits a mean sweater!
Popcorn and a scary movie
Pumpkin pie time!
Sleepy Little Bat
Fly agaric mushroom rendered in colour pencil
A beetle rendered in colour pencil
Belladonna rendered in colour pencil
A highland cow rendered in colour pencil
Beware the Monsters! A dragon hind!
Beware the Monsters! A dragon foot!
Beware the Monsters! A frost giant foot!
Beware the Monsters! A wild tongue!
Beware the Monsters! A gapping maw!
Beware Monsters! A grown Boxed Monster!
Oxidation #1
Oxidation #2
A beetle girl and a bumble bee!
A bearded vulture study in ink
A tree study in gouache
A bunny study in watercolour
A stag study in watercolour
A fae rendered in marker and coloured pencil
Black-eyed susan study in watercolour
Daisy study in watercolour
Dandelion study in watercolour
Plaintain study in watercolour